Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code) and Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation - henceforth "GDPR 2016/679"), containing provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data, this page describes the methods for processing the personal data of users consulting the website accessible at the following address:

Personal data will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned regulations, in particular, according to the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency and protection of your privacy and rights, with particular reference to integrity, confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

Since your privacy is important to us, this page is intended to help you understand:
- What information we collect about you
- How we use the information we collect
- How and to whom we pass on the information we collect
- How we store the information we collect
- How you can access your information
- Other important privacy information

This Privacy Policy applies to your information collected during your use of our website or our services, (for example, by contacting us to request information), unless a different policy applies. By "we" we mean

This document also explains how we use your information.

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